Collagen creams and serums do not work

Collagen creams and serums do not work

There has been a lot of debate in the beauty industry about the effectiveness of collagen creams and serums for the skin. Some people swear by them, claiming that they have seen a noticeable improvement in their skin's appearance and texture. However, there are also those who claim that collagen creams and serums are a waste of money, as they do not work. So, what is the truth?

Big collagen molecules

One of the reasons that some people believe that collagen creams and serums do not work is because the molecules are too big to penetrate the skin. This means that even if the product contains high-quality collagen, it may not be able to reach the deeper layers of the skin where it can be most effective. This is because the skin is designed to act as a barrier, preventing harmful substances from entering the body while also retaining moisture.

The molecular size of collagen molecules is indeed larger than other skin care ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid. This means that they may not be able to penetrate the skin as effectively, and the benefits of collagen may not be fully realized. 

Collagen creams and serums do not work


A complex process

Collagen production is a complex process: Collagen production is a complex process that involves many different factors, including diet, lifestyle, and genetics. Applying collagen topically does not address these underlying factors, and therefore, is unlikely to have a significant impact on collagen levels in the skin.


In search of a collagen product that does work?
Try out CHV SMARTFILM here

Collagen cream

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